Cloud Riders
It was the 2nd time recently that we ventured around Nahil, and like last time, the longer drive there was rewarded with pristine and untouched dunes, towering sand mountains and impressive bowls to enjoy.
It was the 2nd time recently that we ventured around Nahil, and like last time, the longer drive there was rewarded with pristine and untouched dunes, towering sand mountains and impressive bowls to enjoy.
What an epic morning it was! We started with our convoy deflating tires at the Sweihan drag strip, with the sun rising over the dunes as a stunning backdrop. Continue Reading
Like grains of sand slipping through the hourglass, such are the drives of our lives. Continue Reading
Kilometers Conquered: 112 km. What was the plan? Simple! Malcolm and I decided to tackle the untouched dunes of Sweihan to scout out the coolest spots for Juniors and off-roaders and find the perfect campsite under the stars.
You know those mornings when you peek outside, and the sky is this heavy blanket of clouds, making you want to snuggle back into bed? Well, this story starts on one of those mornings.
The day kicked off with a crisp, cold morning in Sweihan, setting the stage for an unforgettable off-road journey.
With the festive vibes in full swing, our Offroader team rendezvoused at the back of Al Ain airport, gearing up for an epic journey through the dunes. Continue Reading
The Advanced Training 4 program has pushed trainees to break through new levels of techniques and conquer fresh challenges. Continue Reading
Sunrise on the edge of Sweihan, exploring untouched dunes. Continue Reading
Today’s convoy braved the dense, eerie fog which,enveloped a large portion of the route to the meeting point, and arrived ahead of time to get this well anticipated drive started on schedule.
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