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What better way to start the long weekend and Eid festivities than a drive in Badayer, with temperatures cooler than expected spirits were high for a wild ride without the intense heat.

Safety briefing underway, we welcomed our new graduate Johann into the fold and with a few members highlighting mechanical upgrades we started with a gentle warm up and car shakedown.

After a few stoppages and with any possible detachable parts now detached we were confident our machines were up to the task.  Surfing around the sides of gravity bowl before making a pass over the top. A stuck called out on the radio was quickly handled by our sweeper Marshall Javier.

Navigating our way to iftar bow we made a small pass with the shorter, lighter wheelbases scouting the way for our heavy hitting trucks rolling through at the rear, with the revs still high and adrenaline pumping a second drive by, this time reaching the summit.

The thought of fresh coconuts and Karak in waiting, it was time to make a beeline for the exit, but the desert wasn’t going to let us off that easy! With one of the cars losing all power our support team was on hand to escort the car to the inflation point.

With all cars out of the desert safely and on schedule it was time for some well-deserved refreshments and banter before heading off to enjoy the rest of the Eid holidays with family and friends.

Thank you all for a great drive, big shout to our new and seasoned juniors for a solid performance and our Marshalls for the expert support and guidance.

See you on the sand soon.

One comment on “WILDFIRE

  1. Marc Hayes Marc Hayes says:

    Awsome drive Malcom thank you!
    Great 2nd leading from Anders and sweeper master Javier for keeping the convoy moving safley

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