Lazy 8
Winter is here, which also means later sunrise, cooler temperatures, and a little more sleep compared to summer. After some banter at the beginning, we set off as we only had 1.5 hours to get to Chef’s bowl.
The first start was on big red and we used the time here as we were not coming back. This dune is always a joy, however the huge number of tracks made it a bumpy experience. Our trip was planned as a junior level, but after only off-roaders were left, we kept it juniors and stuck on the sides of the dunes for the early morning, albeit with a high pace.
The clock kept ticking, and we moved from here at a swift pace towards pink rock, smashing high dunes along the way. Skipping the break to ensure we arrive early to join our training graduation drive.
Arriving on time, we met with the other convoy and started with the graduation drive. A quick round around chef’s bowl and pink rock, then back to our starting points for the celebration.
A big congratulations to our new junior members who passed the training.
On the way back to the 2nd December cafeteria, we decided to dial it up and see what the last 30 minutes could bring. There are some climbs to start, but then to one of my favorite areas next to the 2nd December cafeteria, with soft sand and many twists and turns, allowing for a high pace and some nice crests. We had such a blast that we forgot to take a picture for the trip.
We had such a blast that we forgot to take a picture during the trip and needed to take one at the end while inflating.
Thanks, Tamer, Javier, and Anders from the company this morning. Anders took the sweeper duty this morning, but we managed without 2nd tries or stuck.
See you on the sand soon.
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