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Never slow down

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What an epic year it’s been for off-roading and our Desert Fellas community! To cap it all off, we went full throttle with a high-octane Offroader Level Sweihan run on the final Friday of the year.

With the clock striking 15:30, we had just two hours of daylight to blaze our trail—and we were determined to make every second count. Shifting straight into high gear, we skipped the warm-up and hit our stride in no time. From cresting towering sand giants to conquering every dune in sight, we carved our way to Nagrah and back in one unforgettable drive. No bowl or slope was left untouched as we powered our way to the exit.

A huge thank you to everyone for making 2024 an incredible year! Here’s to even more adrenaline-pumping adventures in 2025. See you on the dunes next year!

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