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First Time Lucky

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The drive got off to a bit of a late start due to late arrivals and a technical issue that was dealt with promptly.

We started our drive in what I though was a fairly technical area. We experienced our first stuck within 15 minutes of the start of the drive which Marc attended to with lightning speed. Our Juniors maintained a good pace weaving around and over small dunes – putting their newly learnt skills into practice. We reached the half way point surprisingly quickly, but considering our late start, we decided not to take a break but to push on to the next way point instead. All Fellas were in agreement since they all had sufficient time to stretch their legs during the recoveries.

For a short while, the desert opened up into what looked like a welcomed plain with short grass and desert shrubs. We were all excited to speed across the flat ground in anticipation of the large sweeping dunes that I had promised the Fellas before we started our drive – when suddenly we found ourselves in the mother of all technical areas. Our progress was slowed down considerably as we navigated steep drops and powdery sand. By this time the sun was out in all its glory making us ever so grateful for air conditioning.

With limited drives under their belt, the Juniors handled this rather difficult technical area commendably. After a pop out and some creative recoveries the finish line was finally in sight. Generally, drives end too soon, and everyone wishes it was longer. This was not one of those drives. If it were not for Desert Fellas strict code of conduct there would probably have been a race to the exit point.

Thanks to Rathica and Marc for their brilliant support. Our Juniors were the true heroes of this trip – thanks for making my inaugural drive so memorable.


9 comments on First Time Lucky

  1. Missed this time due to lock down related closing off borders in Abu Dhabi. Nicely written @preggy I could visualise the whole drive. Hoping to drive under your command next time ✌ī¸

    1. I know what it’s like. I missed drives for 2 weekends due to the AbuDhabi lockdown and was really missing the sand. I’ll be glad to have you join me on one of our Junior drives as soon as the boarders open again. Stay safe.

  2. Congrats on the debut Preggy!!!

    1. Thanks brother. The convoy was extremely cooperative and support was superb.

  3. Hopeful to join the next drive under your leadership. Missed the last one as 2 drives in a day in the summer would not have been great for my faint heart. Godspeed ahead and here’s to many more!

  4. Samir Samy Samir Samy says:

    Congratulations Preggy for your first organized drive, hope you will have a plan for advanced junior drive so i can drive under your leadership đŸ’ĒđŸ’Ē

  5. Awsome drive, I enjoyed it and it was a good refresher 👍😊

  6. Congrats @preggy on your inaugural lead. You were very confident, giving clear instructions which, in turn, gave me confidence. Personally I enjoyed the longer drive and the route certainly threw up some technical areas. Chef Marc was a total star and Rathica was a great second lead. All you guys are a credit to DF.
    BTW, I found out yesterday that I did this drive with 3 fractured ribs đŸĨ´ I may be out of action for the next six weeks ☚ī¸

    1. It was a pleasure having on the drive. I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to our next drive.

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