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Maverick 101 – report

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This trip I would describe like “from hero to zero, than again hero” ๐Ÿ™‚

It was meant to be first Najjar_Safari official tripย  in a new area, until I got selfie from him with engine failure light. He did everything to get his car back, but Nissan says no-no. This is one hour job but we don’t have part. (Shame on you Nissan). I’ve jumped in at last minute.

Almost at the same time I’ve received lot’s of cancelations. Weird day I must say, but I decided to do it anyway and turns out to be right decision.

We met on time (almost :)), and started driving around 7:30. Weather and sunrise were beautiful.

It was a day of sloping, side sloping, straight cresting and repeat. Beautiful,ย  and I think the best area to master those techniques.

After several repetitions all drivers did it fantastic. It was confidence booster for everyone.

It was nice to drive in same old area with nice guys.


Trip details:ยย 

On Cover Photo:ย scorpiotp

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9 comments on Maverick 101 – report

  1. Marko Zirdum Marko Zirdum says:

    @scorpiotp @chefmarc @foulcom please rate this trip and put few words about it…

  2. Pradeep TP Pradeep TP says:

    Truly a learning experience day. Thank you Marko๐Ÿ‘

  3. Pradeep TP Pradeep TP says:

    Thank you Marko for the cover photo ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Marc Hayes Marc Hayes says:

    Another awesome morning and most beautiful spot. Thanks Marko

  5. Nice morning trip with the leader Marko and his nice camera, always good to train yourself on new spots.

  6. A special and big thank you marko for taking over ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š ..this time Nissan failed me ๐Ÿ˜ข .. for sure will open the same trip again the Mavericks will keep on flying ๐Ÿ˜Ž .. btw my car is still at the dealer ๐Ÿ˜ญ.

    1. Marko Zirdum Marko Zirdum says:

      Looking forward to see you on the sand soon

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