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Fella On Heat – Report

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Trip in Junior level was perfect start of the weekend.

I was glad to see some new faces and some new talents. I will try to make this report brief, and hopefully efficient.

My left and right hand were Jnormile (second lead) and RumbleBee (recovery) today. USA united in Dubai. Thank you guys you were great.

TsunamiΒ – Welcome to gang, glade to meet you and you showed lot’s of skills today. Hope to see you soon in offroad level drives.

scorpiotpΒ – New face but you just fit in perfectly. I can see that you have bitten by offroad bug. Looking forward to drive with you again,Β  today you did everything right.

MoaminΒ – Welcome to the gang. I saw how much you’ve enjoyed today. Looking forward to see you next time. P.S. remind me to introduce Waze to you πŸ˜€

DunevaderΒ – Guy with most beautiful car (after FJ) and many talents. I’m expecting to see lot from you.Β  Thanks for joining us.

ChefMarcΒ – You are good listener and quick learner, I’ll say only that for this timeΒ  not toΒ  jinx your progress. Looking forward to see you on the sand next time.

Karim_samyΒ – You are picking up bro, but I’m not talking to you until your fix your brakes … hehe

CooldiselΒ –Β  This time I saw more skills than last time. Either you where working on your techniques or you’re just good example for your little fella today. Let’s see next time.

Thank you all for wonderful time and hope you enjoyed this drive. Looking forward to hear your impressions.

Trip details:ΒΒ 


7 comments on Fella On Heat – Report

  1. Marko Zirdum Marko Zirdum says:

    @jnormile @rumblebee @tsunami @scorpiotp @moamin @dunevader @chefmarc @karim_samy @cooldisel Thank you guys for today, please rate this trip and share your thoughts …

  2. Thanks all for the great work on the trip today! I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed meeting all of you. Looking forward to many more

  3. Marc Hayes Marc Hayes says:

    Thanks again Marko for good session today and Rumblebee for the recoveryπŸ˜‚. Looking forward to a more technical trip next time

  4. Happy to support the drive. I think everyone who joined is capable of taking it up a notch.

  5. thanx for all the tips Marko πŸ™‚
    and for sure driving along with you guys gives more knowledge.. personally i feel more confident driving with you guys and to move as fast as the slowest person is great as we all get to enjoy the drive and learn πŸ™‚

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