Month: November 2021

Basic 7

Basic 7 got off to a slightly delayed start on account of the lead experiencing battery problems.

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Offroad Discovery

After 21 generations of offroad discovery, this chapter had reason to celebrate.

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Platinum Card

Emirates and Fly Dubai Staff welcome! Our Partnership with EK Platinum will grant you exclusive deal.

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Our partnership with Groupon will grant you very affordable Offroad Discovery training.

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Afterlife started with low 20’s of temperature. We moved towards our warmup area. Once we were done warming up, we made our way towards the first high crests in the area.

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Basic training 6

Basic training 6 is the drive that  team work, lessons and diciplines all come together for something very special.

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Red Snow

Red Snow started with low 19 degrees of temperature. We proceeded to drive along the fence line towards our entry point.

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Gazelle trail

Gazelle trail  convoy got off to an easy start on small  gently sloping dunes in Al Qudra.

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Basic training 5

With a fresh brew in hand and some warmer apparel, Fellas and Felicitas were having some friendly banter before Basic Training 5 drive.

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Basic Training 4

We started this training on time and in a good mood.

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